09/01/2024 22:50

XXyo, cardiac background, felt palpitations 20 min before arrival, reporting chest pains with radiation to neck and back.
monitor: PSVT, ECG: no signs of acute ischemia.
treatment: vagal stimulation performed without success. treated with adenosine 6 mg with improvement.
heart rate: 205 // 106 // 86; blood pressure: 155/97 // 127/90 // 126/89

26/10/2024 21:33

XXyo, recurrent episodes of SVT. felt palpitations 15 min prior to call, no chest pains.
monitor: AVNRT, ECG: no signs of acute ischemia, changes to T wave in anterior wall, known to patient.
treatment: vagal stimulation performed using a syringe, converted to sinus rythem.
heart rate: 187 // 81; blood pressure: 133/91 // 119/75